Fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, medicinal herbs & useful plants

Turtle Bend Farm is nestled in a sunny, south facing valley in the Berkshire foothills of Western Massachusetts, bound by the Westfield River and Shatterack Mountain.

It’s our privilege to tend this sun-blessed land as we grow unique fruit trees and important pollinator and medicinal species, helping empower regenerative agriculture and permaculture projects in the area and beyond. Alongside our growing nursery, we’re planting a 32 acre silvopasture food forest with beef, sheep, pigs, and other critters!

  • Maggie & Felix

    We are passionate about helping people grow food through the doorway of perennial plants! We have been farming for a combined 35 years and are elated to have our own land to run a bountiful plant nursery, grow our own food and build soil and community on this land.

  • Fledge Dog

    Avid bone eater and protein recycler, Fledge inspires many with his endearing attitude and explores the farm from a keen olfactory perspective.

  • Misty

    Our sweet and sassy 4 year old Jersey cow loves fresh grass, clover, and head scratches.